Quantum Physics
Quantum Physics
Quantum physics exponentially improves some types of machine learning
It wasn’t entirely clear if quantum computers could improve machine learning in practice, but new experiments and theoretical proofs show that it can.
Quantum Physics
A new gravity sensor used atoms’ weird quantum behavior to peer underground
Quantum sensors promise to be more accurate and stable in the long run than other gravity probes.
Quantum Physics
‘From Data to Quanta’ defends Niels Bohr’s view of quantum mechanics
In his new book, philosopher Slobodan Perović corrects misconceptions about physicist Niels Bohr’s work.
Quantum Physics
The quantum ‘boomerang’ effect has been seen for the first time
Jostled particles return to their starting points in certain materials, an experiment reveals, confirming theoretical predictions.
Quantum Physics
Quantum particles can feel the influence of gravitational fields they never touch
A quantum phenomenon predicted in 1959, the Aharonov-Bohm effect, also applies to gravity.
Quantum Physics
A century of quantum mechanics questions the fundamental nature of reality
A century after the quantum revolution, a lot of uncertainty remains.
Quantum Physics
Quantum physics requires imaginary numbers to explain reality
Quantum theory based only on real numbers fails to explain the results of two new experiments.
Quantum Physics
Physicists have coaxed ultracold atoms into an elusive form of quantum matter
Quantum spin liquids could be used to help protect fragile information in quantum computers.
Quantum Physics
Scientists finally detected a quantum effect that blocks atoms from scattering light
When all available quantum states are full, atoms can’t scatter light, thanks to the Pauli exclusion principle, new experiments show.
Quantum Physics
Scientists are one step closer to error-correcting quantum computers
In a quantum computer made with trapped ions, multiple quantum bits were combined into one to detect mistakes.
Quantum Physics
One of nature’s key constants is much larger in a quantum material
The fine-structure constant is 10 times its normal value in the material, giving a peek into what physics in an alternate universe could look like.
New ‘vortex beams’ of atoms and molecules are the first of their kind
Twisted beams of atoms and molecules join other types of corkscrew beams made of light or electrons.